Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Maxene Magalona: Looking back on 2014, I really can't help but smile and feel grateful for all the amazing gifts the Lord continuously blessed me with. And even though there are times when I don't even feel like I deserve them, I still give Him thanks every single day. I trust that I am where He wants me to be. So before the year ends, let me thank God for all the love, lessons, opportunities for growth, happy memories, time with family and friends that I was able to receive. Thank You Lord for everything. With Your love and guidance, I face the coming year with nothing but an open mind and a strong heart. Let's do this, 2015! I can't wait! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Looking back on 2014, I really can't help but smile and feel grateful for all the amazing gifts the Lord continuously blessed me with. And even though there are times when I don't even feel like I deserve them, I still give Him thanks every single day. I trust that I am where He wants me to be. So before the year ends, let me thank God for all the love, lessons, opportunities for growth, happy memories, time with family and friends that I was able to receive. Thank You Lord for everything. With Your love and guidance, I face the coming year with nothing but an open mind and a strong heart. Let's do this, 2015! I can't wait! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ :: via maxenemagalona Instagram

Pauleen Luna: Me and mom! πŸ’₯ #NewYearsEve2015

Me and mom! πŸ’₯ #NewYearsEve2015 :: via pauleenluna Instagram

Pauleen Luna: Happy New Year!!!! (excuse the house clothes) πŸ’₯ xoxo Gene, Chat, Pauleen, Miki, Simon, Rusty and Stella πŸ’• #NewYearsEve2015

Happy New Year!!!! (excuse the house clothes) πŸ’₯ xoxo Gene, Chat, Pauleen, Miki, Simon, Rusty and Stella πŸ’• #NewYearsEve2015 :: via pauleenluna Instagram

Pauleen Luna: Lusis is the farthest we can go! Just wanted something sparkly to welcome the new year! ✨ #NewYearsEve2015

Lusis is the farthest we can go! Just wanted something sparkly to welcome the new year! ✨ #NewYearsEve2015 :: via pauleenluna Instagram

Billy Crawford: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! 2014 was nuts! 2015 is going to be amazing. #newyear #countdown #maldives πŸŽ†πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! 2014 was nuts! 2015 is going to be amazing. #newyear #countdown #maldives πŸŽ†πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ :: via billyjoecrawford


Coleen Garcia: We're actually three hours behind MNL time, but I'd like to greet all my fellow Filipinos a HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR! πŸŽ‰ Let's all make 2015 the best year yet!

We're actually three hours behind MNL time, but I'd like to greet all my fellow Filipinos a HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR! πŸŽ‰ Let's all make 2015 the best year yet!

via coleengarcia


Sheena Halili: in a few minutes.... 2015 naaaaa ❀️ thank you 2014! ang bilis mong natapos πŸ‘ ready na ang lahat para sa NEW YEAR 🎁 wooohoooo πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ 12-31-14 11:25pm

in a few minutes.... 2015 naaaaa ❀️ thank you 2014! ang bilis mong natapos πŸ‘ ready na ang lahat para sa NEW YEAR 🎁 wooohoooo πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ 12-31-14 11:25pm :: via mysheenahalili Instagram

Sam Pinto: Happy new year from the Pinto girlaloos!!! @theraepinto

Happy new year from the Pinto girlaloos!!! @theraepinto :: via sampinto_


Jhong Hilario: Happy "BUM" New Year from my dogs!!! Hahaha πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ©πŸΆπŸ• #welcome2015

Happy "BUM" New Year from my dogs!!! Hahaha πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ©πŸΆπŸ• #welcome2015 :: via jhonghilario Instagram

Laureen Uy: New Years Eve outfit wearing this amazing tulle skirt from @tutulepetite. Happy Halloween!.. Ay, Happy New Year pala! πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰

New Years Eve outfit wearing this amazing tulle skirt from @tutulepetite. Happy Halloween!.. Ay, Happy New Year pala! πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ :: via laureenmuy Instagram

Cheska Garcia: Just us 5 at our house enjoying the countdown to 2015! Doing our vision boards! Super excited for what God has in store for us next year! Happy new year!! :)

Just us 5 at our house enjoying the countdown to 2015! Doing our vision boards! Super excited for what God has in store for us next year! Happy new year!! :) :: via chekakramer Instagram

Kim Chiu: before 2014 ends, let me thank all of you my IG friends, twitter friends, friends, new found friends, supporters, bosses, the brands who trusted me, my family and to all the people who appreciate me for who i am!😊 THANK YOU!!!! my 2014 is indeed a colorful year.. a lot of good things happened and im very very thankful for everything, and most especially to God for what he did.. he is really amazing.. there are also not so good things that has happened but i believe that everything happens for a reason, from your mistake, you'll learn a lot.. thank you 2014 for such a colorful and meaningful year!!!❀️ πŸ’—πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ‘πŸ˜Š cant wait for 2015, please be good to me!😁 "Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. so write a good one!" IM READY!!!!πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ˜ cheers for another great year!!!!!!❀️❀️❀️🐏🐏🐏 mula sa aking puso MARAMING MARAMING SALAMAT sa inyong lahat!!!!😊

before 2014 ends, let me thank all of you my IG friends, twitter friends, friends, new found friends, supporters, bosses, the brands who trusted me, my family and to all the people who appreciate me for who i am!😊 THANK YOU!!!! my 2014 is indeed a colorful year.. a lot of good things happened and im very very thankful for everything, and most especially to God for what he did.. he is really amazing.. there are also not so good things that has happened but i believe that everything happens for a reason, from your mistake, you'll learn a lot.. thank you 2014 for such a colorful and meaningful year!!!❀️ πŸ’—πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ‘πŸ˜Š cant wait for 2015, please be good to me!😁 "Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. so write a good one!" IM READY!!!!πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ˜ cheers for another great year!!!!!!❀️❀️❀️🐏🐏🐏 mula sa aking puso MARAMING MARAMING SALAMAT sa inyong lahat!!!!😊 :: via chinitaprincess


Jugs Jugueta: We're here na! It's really MASSIVE! Happy New Year, everybody! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘ #itchyworms #itchywormsLIVE @itchyworms

We're here na! It's really MASSIVE! Happy New Year, everybody! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘ #itchyworms #itchywormsLIVE @itchyworms :: via jugsjugsjugs Instagram

Nikki Gil: Burano ❀️ such a pretty island! If I lived here, I'd be in a pink house with mint green shutters πŸ˜‹

Burano ❀️ such a pretty island! If I lived here, I'd be in a pink house with mint green shutters πŸ˜‹ :: via nikkigil Instagram

Nikki Gil:

:: via nikkigil Instagram

Iza Calzado: SOON.. #levelup2015 #lebelap πŸ™Œ

SOON.. #levelup2015 #lebelap πŸ™Œ :: via missizacalzado Instagram

Solenn Heussaff: Wishing everyone a happy new year, appreciate the smallest things, be thankful to the people around you, remember that the most simple things are the most treasured ones if you could just learn to see them. Live in simplicity, live to love, live to laugh. To all the lovers, learn to spread your joy. To all the haters, learn to love. At the end of the day only purity will bring you true happiness. Everything in between is uncalled for chaos. I have learned this just from observing my nephew. Happy 2015 to everyone out there. Sending you nothing but love and good vibes. Big kisses! Ok maybe hugs too πŸ˜‰

Wishing everyone a happy new year, appreciate the smallest things, be thankful to the people around you, remember that the most simple things are the most treasured ones if you could just learn to see them. Live in simplicity, live to love, live to laugh. To all the lovers, learn to spread your joy. To all the haters, learn to love. At the end of the day only purity will bring you true happiness. Everything in between is uncalled for chaos. I have learned this just from observing my nephew. Happy 2015 to everyone out there. Sending you nothing but love and good vibes. Big kisses! Ok maybe hugs too πŸ˜‰ :: via solennheussaff Instagram

Pauleen Luna: This pretty much sums up my AMAZING 2014! Thank you for being a part of it and for the unforgettable memories. 2014 will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! Thank you Lord! Hello 2015, we are so ready for you! ❀️

This pretty much sums up my AMAZING 2014! Thank you for being a part of it and for the unforgettable memories. 2014 will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! Thank you Lord! Hello 2015, we are so ready for you! ❀️ :: via pauleenluna Instagram

Sam Pinto: While waiting for 2015... Cheers 🍻🍻🍻

While waiting for 2015... Cheers 🍻🍻🍻 :: via sampinto_


Vhong Navarro: Wishing you all, madlang pipol a blessed year ahead. Salamat, 2014.

Wishing you all, madlang pipol a blessed year ahead. Salamat, 2014.

via vhongx44


Maxene Magalona: Twins πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

Twins πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ :: via maxenemagalona Instagram

Coleen Garcia: Celebrating not only the new year ahead, but also the strength, faith and determination that pulled us through the year we are about to leave behind. If everything that happened this year--the good, the bad, the stressful and the difficult--is what brought me to this very moment, then all I can say is... it was all worth it. ❀️ I was right to keep going. Can't wait to see what crazy adventures 2015 has in store for all of us. Facing the new year with good vibes! β˜€οΈ

Celebrating not only the new year ahead, but also the strength, faith and determination that pulled us through the year we are about to leave behind. If everything that happened this year--the good, the bad, the stressful and the difficult--is what brought me to this very moment, then all I can say is... it was all worth it. ❀️ I was right to keep going. Can't wait to see what crazy adventures 2015 has in store for all of us. Facing the new year with good vibes! β˜€οΈ

via coleengarcia


Coleen Garcia: 2015 here I coooome! πŸ‘»

2015 here I coooome! πŸ‘»

via coleengarcia


Laureen Uy: What's your plan/ goal this 2015? πŸ’›

What's your plan/ goal this 2015? πŸ’› :: via laureenmuy Instagram

Billy Crawford: This island is absolutely beautiful. #paradise

This island is absolutely beautiful. #paradise :: via billyjoecrawford


Maxene Magalona: Sending New Year kisses to all my Kitties who have been showing me unconditional love and support all throughout the year! I love you all! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Without you guys, I wouldn't be here! Kitty kisses for all of you! 😽😽😽 @maxenesofc @maxenemagalonafanpage @teammagalona

Sending New Year kisses to all my Kitties who have been showing me unconditional love and support all throughout the year! I love you all! Thank you for EVERYTHING! Without you guys, I wouldn't be here! Kitty kisses for all of you! 😽😽😽 @maxenesofc @maxenemagalonafanpage @teammagalona :: via maxenemagalona Instagram

Maxene Magalona: My New Year wish for all the people I love. I love you all! See you all in 2015 ❀️

My New Year wish for all the people I love. I love you all! See you all in 2015 ❀️ :: via maxenemagalona Instagram

Coleen Garcia:

via coleengarcia


Billy Crawford: Say hello to my little FRENG!!! #crabmentality

Say hello to my little FRENG!!! #crabmentality :: via billyjoecrawford


Billy Crawford: #maldives

#maldives :: via billyjoecrawford


Billy Crawford: Turning my back on 2014, facing 2015 with positivity.

Turning my back on 2014, facing 2015 with positivity. :: via billyjoecrawford


Iza Calzado: 2014 was an amazing year for me especially career wise! Started off with hosting duties for @biggestloserdoubles then was lucky to be cast as Patty in STARTING OVER AGAIN; played Margaret Castro for SOMEBODY TO LOVE; was Cecilia for BARBER'S TALES and Faith for MARIA LEONORA TERESA ❀️ I also had one dream come true as I was chosen to be the leading lady of @piolo_pascual for @hawakkamaytv ❀️❀️❀️ feel so blessed and I want to thank everyone who showed their love and support and most importantly The Lord Almighty for all the blessings! I am truly humbled! Praying for a wonderful 2015 filled with even bigger blessings for me and my loved ones and everyone on earth β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈ

2014 was an amazing year for me especially career wise! Started off with hosting duties for @biggestloserdoubles then was lucky to be cast as Patty in STARTING OVER AGAIN; played Margaret Castro for SOMEBODY TO LOVE; was Cecilia for BARBER'S TALES and Faith for MARIA LEONORA TERESA ❀️ I also had one dream come true as I was chosen to be the leading lady of @piolo_pascual for @hawakkamaytv ❀️❀️❀️ feel so blessed and I want to thank everyone who showed their love and support and most importantly The Lord Almighty for all the blessings! I am truly humbled! Praying for a wonderful 2015 filled with even bigger blessings for me and my loved ones and everyone on earth β€οΈπŸ™β€οΈ :: via missizacalzado Instagram

Laureen Uy: #NoShapeDecember is about to end!!! 🍒🍒🍒

#NoShapeDecember is about to end!!! 🍒🍒🍒 :: via laureenmuy Instagram

Solenn Heussaff: Advanced happy new years everyone!!!!:)

Advanced happy new years everyone!!!!:) :: via solennheussaff Instagram

Anne Curtis: 30 mins to go here in Melbourne till 2015! tinsel βœ… party poppers βœ… party hat βœ… party pooper βœ… streamer βœ… We are ready 2015! #langhamnye

30 mins to go here in Melbourne till 2015! tinsel βœ… party poppers βœ… party hat βœ… party pooper βœ… streamer βœ… We are ready 2015! #langhamnye via annecurtissmith, Instagram

Coleen Garcia: Fun day of water sports!!! Wake boarding, then SeaBob after. I must say I really loved the SeaBob! Super sarap! It's like a small jet ski that can also go underwater. 😁 We got to see the fish and stingrays up close!

Fun day of water sports!!! Wake boarding, then SeaBob after. I must say I really loved the SeaBob! Super sarap! It's like a small jet ski that can also go underwater. 😁 We got to see the fish and stingrays up close!

via coleengarcia


Jugs Jugueta: Chicken Spaghetti 🍝 (Parang Jollibee Spaghetti, pero chicken ang sahog!) πŸ˜‹πŸ‘Œ

Chicken Spaghetti 🍝 (Parang Jollibee Spaghetti, pero chicken ang sahog!) πŸ˜‹πŸ‘Œ :: via jugsjugsjugs Instagram

Jugs Jugueta: Whatchamacall8! 😁✌️

Whatchamacall8! 😁✌️ :: via jugsjugsjugs Instagram

Pauleen Luna: Superdog and Teddydog? #NewYear

Superdog and Teddydog? #NewYear :: via pauleenluna Instagram

Anne Curtis: Our beautiful mother πŸ’‹ Love you Mum. #langhamnye @carmcurtissmith

Our beautiful mother πŸ’‹ Love you Mum. #langhamnye @carmcurtissmith via annecurtissmith, Instagram

Iza Calzado: It's going to be a BIG year for everyone especially for me and Ben because I'm reposting this and tagging @bookymanila πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #doiownapartofthecompany #wherearemyshares #happynewyearben

It's going to be a BIG year for everyone especially for me and Ben because I'm reposting this and tagging @bookymanila πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #doiownapartofthecompany #wherearemyshares #happynewyearben :: via missizacalzado Instagram

Mellissa Ricks: Happy New Year from us!! #chewy #baby

Happy New Year from us!! #chewy #baby :: via mellyricks09 Instagram

Sheena Halili: Yan with her Papa ❀️ bago ako umalis kagabi! -kakagising ko lang sorry #latepost congrats yan! di ako nakapag papicture sayo 😁 @therealmarian see you soon πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ love you!

Yan with her Papa ❀️ bago ako umalis kagabi! -kakagising ko lang sorry #latepost congrats yan! di ako nakapag papicture sayo 😁 @therealmarian see you soon πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ love you! :: via mysheenahalili Instagram

Pauleen Luna: To my first love, happy 8th birthday! Thank you for filling my life with so much joy for 8 years! Thank you for being so loyal to me! No one can replace the love I have for you.. I love you, Simon! πŸ’•

To my first love, happy 8th birthday! Thank you for filling my life with so much joy for 8 years! Thank you for being so loyal to me! No one can replace the love I have for you.. I love you, Simon! πŸ’• :: via pauleenluna Instagram

Iza Calzado: 2015 will be a BIG year for everyone!!!! πŸ™Œ

2015 will be a BIG year for everyone!!!! πŸ™Œ :: via missizacalzado Instagram

Mellissa Ricks: Happy New Year everyone!!;) 2014 was a great year, had loads of fun and met lots of new people and new friends, im soo thankful for such a great year!! 2015 will be even better! My life is going to change drastically, im gonna be a mama!! May 2015 be a year full of happiness love health and success for all of us!! Haaaaapppppy New Year!!😘

Happy New Year everyone!!;) 2014 was a great year, had loads of fun and met lots of new people and new friends, im soo thankful for such a great year!! 2015 will be even better! My life is going to change drastically, im gonna be a mama!! May 2015 be a year full of happiness love health and success for all of us!! Haaaaapppppy New Year!!😘 :: via mellyricks09 Instagram

Maxene Magalona: And just like last year, we'd like to welcome our special guest for tonight's festivities.. Everyone's favorite papi, DRIZZY DRAKE! Chillin' with @champagnepapi while waiting for the ball to drop. Ano daw?? Happy NYE! πŸŽ‰

And just like last year, we'd like to welcome our special guest for tonight's festivities.. Everyone's favorite papi, DRIZZY DRAKE! Chillin' with @champagnepapi while waiting for the ball to drop. Ano daw?? Happy NYE! πŸŽ‰ :: via maxenemagalona Instagram

Coleen Garcia: Sightseeing β˜€οΈ

Sightseeing β˜€οΈ

via coleengarcia


Anne Curtis: Trying to look as good as my brother. Wearing a gorgeous @worldmcqueen piece for NYE πŸŽ‰β€οΈπŸŽ‰ #langhamnye

Trying to look as good as my brother. Wearing a gorgeous @worldmcqueen piece for NYE πŸŽ‰β€οΈπŸŽ‰ #langhamnye via annecurtissmith, Instagram

Jugs Jugueta: Awesome photos, @gerhardbandiola! Thanks so much for last night! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ #itchyworms #RockEd #itchywormsLIVE @itchyworms

Awesome photos, @gerhardbandiola! Thanks so much for last night! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ #itchyworms #RockEd #itchywormsLIVE @itchyworms :: via jugsjugsjugs Instagram

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