Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Xian Lim: This post is dedicated to ms. Marina Benepayo and Mr. Ricardo Cepeda. Thank you so much for all the kind words and constructive criticisms these past few years. You guys always believed in me back when nag sisimula palang ako when we first worked together. Even at times when people said so many things against me..You guys were always there to cheer me up and defend me. From the time I didn't even know how to tie my own neck tie and owning a nice piece of suit, up to this day...both of you were there to constantly remind me to always keep my head up no matter what the circumstances were. Thank you so much for the genuine support, love and kindness you have given me.❤️

This post is dedicated to ms. Marina Benepayo and Mr. Ricardo Cepeda. Thank you so much for all the kind words and constructive criticisms these past few years. You guys always believed in me back when nag sisimula palang ako when we first worked together. Even at times when people said so many things against me..You guys were always there to cheer me up and defend me. From the time I didn't even know how to tie my own neck tie and owning a nice piece of suit, up to this day...both of you were there to constantly remind me to always keep my head up no matter what the circumstances were. Thank you so much for the genuine support, love and kindness you have given me.❤️ :: via xianlimm Instagram

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